Finally a book intended for all Electronic beginners is here, 'Electronics Simple 'n Easy' by WAGmob.
This book contains several chapters that are well written to be clearly understood by anyone who is new in the field of electronics.
It is actually designed for both students and adults who wants to pursue an interest in electronics as their hobby or career.
Electronics Simple 'n Easy by WAGmob offers a well detailed quick summary of the essential concepts of Electronics unlike any other books that explains topics that are not really necessary for you to know.
Electronics Simple 'n Easy by WAGmob offers a well detailed quick summary of the essential concepts of Electronics unlike any other books that explains topics that are not really necessary for you to know.
Here are the following snack-sized chapters discussed on the book:
Chapter 1: Introduction:
You will get to learn more about Electronics especially on how does it affect our world. I already have a few discussion about electronics here on my blog but this book does a better explanation.
Chapter 1: Introduction:
You will get to learn more about Electronics especially on how does it affect our world. I already have a few discussion about electronics here on my blog but this book does a better explanation.
Apart from introduction of Electronics, you will also get to learn the uses and applications.
Other topics that are covered on the first chapter includes Electronics Vocabulary, Electric Circuits, Electrical Components, Voltage, Waveforms and etc...
Chapter 2: Electricity and Magnetism:
All you need to learn about electricity and magnetism will be discussed on this chapter. This include the formula such as Coulomb's Law, Ohm's Law and Gauss's Law.
Chapter 2: Electricity and Magnetism:
All you need to learn about electricity and magnetism will be discussed on this chapter. This include the formula such as Coulomb's Law, Ohm's Law and Gauss's Law.
These are actually important and commonly used formulas in the field of electronics. Other topics that are included on this chapter are about Electricity, Atoms, Electromagnet, Electric Field for Gaussian Surface and etc...
Chapter 3: Resistors:
I have already covered a few topics about resistors on this blog but there are still some that I haven't covered yet which can be found on this book.
Chapter 3: Resistors:
I have already covered a few topics about resistors on this blog but there are still some that I haven't covered yet which can be found on this book.
Some of these topics are about Wire Wound Resistors, Rheostat, Potentiometer, Power as a Function of Resistance and etc...
Chapter 4: Capacitors:
Capacitors are also one of the most commonly used components in electronics. If you are going to build your first project, it is for sure that you will be using them.
Chapter 4: Capacitors:
Capacitors are also one of the most commonly used components in electronics. If you are going to build your first project, it is for sure that you will be using them.
Thus it is important that you need to learn everything about capacitors which has been discussed on this Electronic book by WAGmob.
Some topics that has been covered on this chapter are Unit of Capacitance, Types of Capacitors, Capacitance Determination, Physical Characteristics of Capacitors and etc...
Chapter 5: Inductors:
Just like the previous two chapters (4 and 5) which is about Resistors and Capacitors, you will get to learn all about inductors.
Chapter 5: Inductors:
Just like the previous two chapters (4 and 5) which is about Resistors and Capacitors, you will get to learn all about inductors.
Some of the topics covered on this 5th chapter are about Types of Inductor, Application of Inductors, Physical Characteristics of Inductors and etc...
Chapter 6: Kirchhoff's Laws:
On this 6th chapter of the book, you will get to learn about one of the most popular formula known as the 'Kirchhoff's Laws'.
Chapter 6: Kirchhoff's Laws:
On this 6th chapter of the book, you will get to learn about one of the most popular formula known as the 'Kirchhoff's Laws'.
Contained on this chapter are topics about Kirchhoff's Current Law (with example), Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (with example) and Notations Used.
Chapter 7: Series and Parallel Circuits:
Chapter 7 of the book will explain to you about Series and Parallel Circuits. You will now be dealing with calculations and manipulating formulas to compute for a certain value from the given circuit.
Chapter 7: Series and Parallel Circuits:
Chapter 7 of the book will explain to you about Series and Parallel Circuits. You will now be dealing with calculations and manipulating formulas to compute for a certain value from the given circuit.
Some topics include Total Power for Series Circuit, Parallel Combination for Resistance, Equal Resistances Method and etc...
Chapter 8: Diodes:
Diodes are commonly known for their two opposite polarities which are the positive and negative side. You will get to learn more about diodes on this 8th chapter of the book.
Chapter 9: Semiconductors:
Important things that you need to learn about Semiconductors are discussed on this 9th chapter. Some of the topics are the Types of Semiconductors, N-Type Semiconductors, P-Type Semiconductors and etc...
Chapter 10: Transistors:
Have you already seen one of those three-legged components? If you do then chances are they are transistors. Anyway, you will find out more about them on this 10th chapter of the book.
Chapter 8: Diodes:
Diodes are commonly known for their two opposite polarities which are the positive and negative side. You will get to learn more about diodes on this 8th chapter of the book.
Chapter 9: Semiconductors:
Important things that you need to learn about Semiconductors are discussed on this 9th chapter. Some of the topics are the Types of Semiconductors, N-Type Semiconductors, P-Type Semiconductors and etc...
Chapter 10: Transistors:
Have you already seen one of those three-legged components? If you do then chances are they are transistors. Anyway, you will find out more about them on this 10th chapter of the book.
Some of the topics that are covered are the Types of Transistors, Functions of Transistor Terminals, Transistor Biasing, Operating Conditions for Transistor, Applications of Transistors and etc...
Chapter 11: NPN, PNP, FET and MOSFET
After completing those previous 10 chapters you are now ready to learn a more advance topic of electronics which are all about NPN, PNP, FET and MOSFET. Topics includes Number System, Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Gates and etc...
I already spent most of my time on the Electronic Industry for a lot of years where I find this book to be an excellent guide for those beginners who wants to learn about electronics.
Chapter 11: NPN, PNP, FET and MOSFET
After completing those previous 10 chapters you are now ready to learn a more advance topic of electronics which are all about NPN, PNP, FET and MOSFET. Topics includes Number System, Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Gates and etc...
Review for Electronics Simple 'n Easy Book by WAGmob
I already spent most of my time on the Electronic Industry for a lot of years where I find this book to be an excellent guide for those beginners who wants to learn about electronics.
It is also perfect for those students who wishes to take a college degree on Electronics.
Reading the book had actually refreshes my basic knowledge about Electronics.
Reading the book had actually refreshes my basic knowledge about Electronics.
I actually did bought this book for the purpose of educating staffs of our Electronic Company so that they can at least have the basic idea about the product that are being manufactured.
Buy it Here
With my advance knowledge, I have trouble on which part do I have to start. Thus, I'm so glad that I found this Electronic book by WAGmob in which I can use as a guide on my lecture.

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